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Thoughts, reflections, and insights from the journey. Consider these musings invitations to explore new ways of thinking, leading, and moving through life with more depth and intention.  I'm right there on the journey with you. 

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Consider up until now, you’ve likely held an idea of what motherhood—and life—should look like. Maybe it came from your family of origin, books, Instagram, or countless experts and influencers “showing” you the perfect version of it all. For a long time, I followed every piece of advice I could find, determined to “do this motherhood thing right.” And…that framework served me well—it gave me a sense of identity and control, a safe template to navigate each day.

But there is a good chance that very framework is also limiting the depth of your experience?

That blueprint, created by someone other than yourself, can begin to dictate what you do and don’t do; what’s good or bad; what’s possible or impossible. It shapes your world, often subconsciously. 
One afternoon, I found myself crying in my laundry room—exhausted and resentful—thinking: this can’t be it! This wasn’t the life I dreamed of. I had achieved what I thought I wanted: a higher education, a wonderful marriage, overcoming fertility challenges (four times!), building a dream home, and raising beautiful children. And yet, I felt disconnected from it all, I felt disconnected from myself.

In that raw moment, I knew something needed to change. Something needed to shift, to be disrupted, to be re-ignited. I knew then that the change had to start with me. I needed to learn how to lead my life in a way that honored what I really wanted to feel - in my body, my heart, and my soul—aligning with who I truly am and who I aspire to be for my family and the world.

If you’ve landed in this space, you might be sensing that more is possible too. Like many high-achieving moms, you’re not looking to add more to your already full schedule. Instead, there’s a deeper knowing that a richer, more joyful, and fulfilling experience is waiting—if only you can access it.

The most challenging yet liberating realization is that change begins with YOU. While it may feel like a heavy responsibility at first, understanding that you are the gateway to the life you deserve is incredibly empowering. When you choose to value yourself—giving your time, attention, and love to your own transformation—you open the door for your entire family to thrive.

Ask yourself:

What do you truly want to experience more of in your life and home?
For me, it was peace, a real sense of purpose, and more joy.
What would you need to let go of to allow that possibility?
Mine: the need for perfection, the pressure of competition, or the constant urge to prove yourself.

This is your call to reconnect with the parts of you that make you feel alive and inspired. True transformation isn’t about doing more—it’s about becoming more of who you really are. And it starts with one powerful decision: to hold yourself with the same care and intention that you hold your family.

Are you ready to embrace the Modern Matriarch within you?

If so, the journey begins now—with you.

Embracing the Modern Matriarch Within

A New Way Forward

Your Invitation to Transformation

Breaking the Mold

The Framework